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U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Visits the Vihara


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Vas Bana Sermon - July 9, 2023

Video - 2023 April Dana by BVS Meditation Group

Video - 2023 Wesak Bhakthi Gee by SL Embassy Staff

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As a mother would risk her own life to protect her only child, even so towards all living beings one should cultivate a boundless heart. - Karaniya Metta Sutta.

Endeavoring to share the knowledge of the Dhamma of the Buddha, the Washington Buddhist Vihara, from it is very inception, has supported a policy that goes beyond ethnic and cultural boundaries. Though people of many nationalities frequent the Vihara, all regular services are conducted in the English language. This policy has greatly aided the introduction of Buddhism to the USA. In fact, almost one half of the Washington Buddhist Vihara Society's membership is made up of local Americans. As there are no language barriers, visitors and devotees who speak different languages feel quite at home at the Vihara. There is always some one to talk to.
Copyright © 2000 Washington Buddhist Vihara Inc. All rights reserved

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